Weird Mind
Weird Society
Being Better
It's Your Boy
Personality Tests. I Just Really Need To Know What Hogwarts House I Belong In!
Site Update: How To Do Something That Made You Happy, Then Stop For Two Years
How Does One Attain Motivation?
I Suck At Social Media, But I'm Glad It Exists.
What Am I Doing? Divorce and MMO's.
Damn You Emotions! Work With Me Here
Procrastination Rears Its Stupid Head: Getting Things Done Is Hard.
There Is A Scary Truth To Life If Astrology Is Real
Drama Therapy: Fake It 'Til You Make It
Thought Experiment: Memory Swapping & Crazy Shit That Makes My Head Hurt.
All The World Is A Stage: Identity Is Weird And Shakespeare Once Wrote a Thing That I'll Use Too
The Paranormal Life Of Jonathan Young: A Grieving Whisper
Why Coulrophobia? Oh My God, It's a Clown! Kill It With Fire!
The Startling Decline of Trick-or-Treating In The City And Why That Means More Candy For Me.
I figure that sooner or later I'll put something more enlightening here, until then... take a deep breath and speak aloud to everyone that cares about what you think.