Why Coulrophobia? Oh My God, It's a Clown! Kill It With Fire!
Everyone knows that clowns are creepy, or at least that clowns are considered creepy now. They weren't always widely feared and didn't alway

The Startling Decline of Trick-or-Treating In The City And Why That Means More Candy For Me.
Halloween has become a weird holiday. I enjoy the idea of dressing up in costumes and going out into the crazy while playing the part of...

Personality Tests. I Just Really Need To Know What Hogwarts House I Belong In!
Personality tests are big business and there are countless surveys out there to fill out and find out what Avengers hero you are, what...

There Is A Scary Truth To Life If Astrology Is Real
That title is clickbaity as fuck! I'm quite proud of it actually. Click that bait! If I added a "10 reasons why" in front of that it...

All The World Is A Stage: Identity Is Weird And Shakespeare Once Wrote a Thing That I'll Use Too
All the world is a stage. That is a very popular phrase written by a very popular writer you may have heard of, his name is William...

The Dick Pic: What Are You Doing Fellow Men? Are You Retar... Err, Mentally Touched?
If you have ever sent an unsolicited dick pic to a fellow human being, especially in a sexual manner, then allow me to answer that...