Procrastination Rears Its Stupid Head: Getting Things Done Is Hard.
You know, I wanted this whole week to be successful based on arbitrary guidelines that I set for myself, I wanted this theme of spooky...

Drama Therapy: Fake It 'Til You Make It
I've talked a bit about two forms of creative arts therapy previously, two of which I have explored and used personally. Arts therapy and...

The Dark Man: I Am Not My Anxiety, He Is.
You might have seen this guy floating about in many of the images I've drawn throughout the website. He is a big driving force for me...

Musical Therapy: Music, Like, Totally Saved My Life
Okay, so music didn't save me. A musician never saved me from a burning house, music never cured me of a disease, and deep depression...

The Event Boundary: No, It Isn't Sci-Fi, Just Doorways & A Stupid Brain Thing.
Can we talk about the name of this syndrome for a moment? The event boundary... how fucking badass is that? That's the name of my band,...

What's This About?: Got To Get Started Somewhere
Fuckin' hell... There was a time that this stuff use to come easy, this is not the first blog I've ran myself. It isn't the first time...