The Startling Decline of Trick-or-Treating In The City And Why That Means More Candy For Me.
Halloween has become a weird holiday. I enjoy the idea of dressing up in costumes and going out into the crazy while playing the part of...

There Is A Scary Truth To Life If Astrology Is Real
That title is clickbaity as fuck! I'm quite proud of it actually. Click that bait! If I added a "10 reasons why" in front of that it...

All The World Is A Stage: Identity Is Weird And Shakespeare Once Wrote a Thing That I'll Use Too
All the world is a stage. That is a very popular phrase written by a very popular writer you may have heard of, his name is William...

Decision Paralysis: Freedom of Choice Is Stressful
I have this issue when eating, I find it very hard to eat without having something on the television to passively watch. If I try to eat...

The I'm Sorry Syndrome: I'm Sorry For All The Things, Please Excuse My Existence.
You gotta go and get angry at all my honesty, You know I try but I don't do too well with apologies. Is it too late now to say sorry?...

The Dick Pic: What Are You Doing Fellow Men? Are You Retar... Err, Mentally Touched?
If you have ever sent an unsolicited dick pic to a fellow human being, especially in a sexual manner, then allow me to answer that...